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  • Origin: Kenya - Kirura AB
  • Tasting notes: Earl grey tea, orange, brown sugar, hints of peach and plum with long blackberry aftertaste
  • Method: Washed
  • MASL: 1800
  • Varietal: SL28, SL34, Ruiru11
  • Cup score: 87

Kenya - Kirura AB


    Kirura is located in Kiambu county on the slopes of the Aberdare Ranges right outside Nairobi, Kenya’s capital city. It is one of the few old stations remaining in Kiambu as many have given up their land to real estate developers since recent days Kiambu has been branded a dormitory zone to the overstretched Nairobi County.


    Being on the slopes of the Aberdare, Kiambu is well endowed with red volcanic soils, especially in the region around Komothai. The climate is warm and temperate with an annual rainfall of 681mm and temperatures of around 18 degrees Celsius. The rainfall in Kiambu is significant with precipitation even in the driest month. The high altitudes of around 1800 masl in combination with the temperatures and rainfall offer ideal conditions for coffee growing.


    Kiambu is the food basket of Nairobi with large coffee, tea farms and dairies located here. Being the largest dairy-producing county, many growers adhere to organic fertilising practices using cow manure on coffee trees. Komothai has an estimated acreage of 2113 Ha under coffee. Due to the proximity of Kirura to the Kenya Coffee Research Institute in Ruiru, farmers can access certified seedlings and this may explain the high productivity over the years. The main varieties cultivated here are Sl 28, Sl 34, Ruiru 11 and Batian.


    Kirura factory is managed by a board of 3 subject to changes as per directives from the main board at Komothai. Samuel Murigu is the manager and ensures the smooth running of all factory processes in Kirura along with his team. Some of their responsibilities include weighing coffee, hand-picking, green grading, storage, transportation, training, paying and addressing farmer complaints.


    Farmers selectively handpick ripe cherries and deliver them to Kirura station. At the station, the cherry clerk oversees sorting accepting only red ripe cherry. Cherry is pulped and fermented for around 16-24 hours, no soaking is done. Coffee is then washed in clean water then laid to dry on raised beds. Frequent raking of parchment is done to ensure even drying. Drying parchment is covered during the hottest time of the day to maintain slow even drying and at night to shelter parchment from moisture. It takes approximately 14-20 days for parchment to dry.


    Farm Name: Kirura Coffee factory

    County: Kiambu

    Coffee Varieties: Sl 28, Ruiru11, Batian, Sl 34

    Flowering Season: February-March

    Harvest season: May- July | October - December

    Temperature: 18 degrees celsius

    Altitude: 1,800 m Above sea level

    Soil: Red Volcanic soils

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